I’d like to introduce you to my brand-spanking new speaking demo video. A few of my outstanding clients and amazing audiences are highlighted in this new video. Enjoy some of these fresh generational insights and as always, let me know if you have an upcoming events or programs where my services could be of value to your organization.
Cisco predicts that global IP video traffic will be 82% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2020, growing fourfold from 2015 to 2020. YouTube is the #2 search engine behind Google. It’s abundantly clear that we will be consuming more video and communicating more via video in the very near future. Every organization must begin thinking how they will leverage video. For professional speakers, such as myself, using video to showcase the “product” is a must.
Question: What sound bite resonated with you?
Consider Ryan Jenkins to be your next Millennial/Generation Y or Generation Z keynote speaker by clicking here...
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