Episode Overview
In this episode of the Next Generation Catalyst Podcast, we interview author, speaker, corporate sales consultant and the president of Engage Selling, Colleen Francis. We talk about effective strategies for selling to Millennials, managing a Millennial sales force, and how selling is changing in today's digital world.
Episode Takeaways
- How you can effectively sell across generations.
- Tips for selling to Millennials.
- Identify positive traits of a Millennial salesperson.
- Identify likely pitfalls of a Millennial salesperson.
- Best practices when managing a Millennial salesperson.
- Advice for a rookie Millennial salesperson.
- Effective sales strategies that are working in today’s digital age.
- Understanding the power of social media in the sales process.
- How the sales landscape will change in the next 5 years and what your organization can do to prepare.
- The power of a multi-media sales strategy.
- How to build virtual trust with Millennials.
- The benefits of building an open sales environment.
- How the skills of sales people are changing.
Episode Resources
- Engage Selling
- Colleen on YouTube
- Colleen on LinkedIn
- Colleen on Twitter
- Colleen on Facebook
- Hipmunk
- Google Flights
- Alan Weiss Million Dollar Consulting
- Nonstop Sales Boom book
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Question: What are some of your best practices for selling to Millennials?
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