In case you missed them or you’re new to the Next Generation Catalyst Blog or you’re looking for an excuse to escape the in-laws during this holiday season…here are the top 5 blog posts based on 2013's pageviews. May they be a success catalyst for you in 2014.
Top 5 Next Generation Catalyst Blog Posts Of 2013
Description: This post reviewed the next generation tool VideoScribe HD app that I used to create this video.
Description: Soon gamificaiton will no longer be a trend but a vibrant and viable strategy to retain talent and/or increase engagement across your organization. Will you take this growing gamer majority seriously and choose to leverage it to be your next generation catalyst?
Description: A roadmap to understanding the Millennials (as a generation, consumers, students, entrepreneurs, employees and leaders) depicted in 22 shocking statistics.
Description: Is experience irrelevant these days? Before you answer that…consider these trends.
Description: To be an effective next generation leader, one must be committed to self development. John Maxwell's book serves as a blueprint for your growth.
I plan to make this exercise of recapping the top blog posts of the year a tradition moving forward for the following reasons:
1) Helpful for me to reflect, recap and see what resonates with my readers.
2) Gives new readers a recap of the most popular content.
3) Gives me a slight relief from creating original content during the holiday season so I can spend more time with family.
2) Gives new readers a recap of the most popular content.
3) Gives me a slight relief from creating original content during the holiday season so I can spend more time with family.
Question: What was your favorite blog topic for 2013?