Everyday as more Millennials pour into the workplace and technology continues to sky-rocket, the urgency and pressure of staying relevant in the market gets stronger and stronger. Are you equipping yourself with transferable skills or clinging to the hope that your skills will sustain you until retirement. The work landscape has forever changed, therefore if you are interviewing to find new era leaders the way you assess leadership in the digital age must change. Perhaps these 30 interview questions of the future will serve as a catalyst to get you thinking about what skills or experience will be needed to thrive in tomorrow's high-tech, uber-social and multi-generational marketplace.
  1. What is your Klout score?
  2. How well can you write code?
  3. Tell me why I should hire you in 140 characters or less.
  4. How many successful websites have you built/launched?
  5. What type of digital leadership skills do you posses?
  6. How consistently do you blog/vlog?
  7. How do you effectively communicate over/thru video?
  8. How many social networks have you successfully managed?
  9. How do you welcome change on a daily basis?
  10. How many followers/fans/likes/subscribers (aka your tribe) do you have? And how do you influence them daily?
  11. Give me a few examples of how you communicated with great brevity and clarity.
  12. What have you learned from your last 4-6 careers? Where do you see yourself in 6 months?
  13. Give me an example of a time when you effortlessly transferred your knowledge to another individual.
  14. How open are you to reverse mentoring? 
  15. Have you mastered the art of storytelling? How fast can you tell a compelling story?
  16. What is the most viral piece of content you have created?
  17. What type of niche certifications do you have?
  18. In what skill area do you have the largest bulk of digital badges?
  19. How many LinkedIn endorsements/recommendations do you have? What are your top 3 LinkedIn endorsed skills?
  20. Give me an example of how you have successfully communicated across 2-3 different generations.
  21. How quickly do you adapt to change? How do you integrate today's latest technology/devices into your life?
  22. Do you have home office? What are your best practices for being productive while working from home?
  23. What has been your biggest social blunder and how did you recover?
  24. What excites you must about the future? What frightens you most about the future?
  25. What mobile applications do you use to enhance your productivity?
  26. Give me some examples of how quickly/frequently you are able to pivot your thinking and your leadership styles?
  27. How do you keep a cutting-edge pulse on culture, our industry and the shifting technology trends?
  28. How have you successfully re-engineered your career and/or skill sets?
  29. How open are you to re-engineering your skill sets every 4 months?
  30. How many haters do you have?
  31. Bonus: How well do you get along with robots?
Question: What futuristic questions would you add to this list?

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Ryan Jenkins



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